Angela Alea – Lasso – Don’t Stop at Making Your Customer Happy

Quote of the Show

Approach it as 'I don't want anything from them, I want something for them.' But you have to figure out what that thing is. You've got to understand their business, where it's going, and then how your product plays a role in the bigger picture. Because if you're not going to connect the dots for them, they're not going to be able to connect it. - Angela Alea

Key Takeaways

  • Revenue Myth: Growing revenue isn’t at all a result of making your customers happy. It’s not enough to make happy customers, you have to make them successful.
  • You have to live the gap of discomfort if you want to grow. It can be scary but it’s also necessary.
  • Have a balance between serving the customer and solving for the customer.
  • It’s scalable when you can get your team up to speed on different metrics and help everyone understand that success should look different with each customer.


Episode 16 – Angela Alea

[00:00:00] 1, 2, 3, 4 sales marketing and rev robot it’s sink or swim out there. And yesterday’s strategies and tactics. Won’t help you today. This is revenue today and I’m your host. Jared Robin, join me as we interview revenue leaders in our community to learn what steps we could take. Right. To help you scale yourself and your company revenue today is sponsored by rev genius and we’re on a mission to bring inspiration and creativity to all revenue professionals in the world.

Wanna shout out our sponsored demand base demand base is smarter GTM for B2B brands. They help marketing and sales teams spot the juiciest opportunities earlier and progress them faster. By injecting account intelligence into every step of the buyer journey and orchestrating every action for more information about demand based visit [00:01:00] demand

Okay, so I’m thrilled to have today’s guest on the show. She was recently celebrated by women in event technology for her leadership and events. She spent the last 20 years in revenue producing roles, doing everything from sales, sales, training, sales ops, and revenue management all while being a mother and a wife.

She’s the host of the podcast, corralling the chaos. She’s the president and chief revenue officer at lasso, which was recently recognized in the ink 5,000. Welcome Angela Alea. Thank you, Jared. Thanks for having me. I’m I’m so excited to talk and, and, and learn more from your perspective and, and we’re gonna dive in.

Let’s just, let’s just do that. Let’s do it debunk a myth about generating revenue. Yeah, there’s so many different, so many different ways to go with this. But the myth that I want to debunk is growing revenue. Isn’t at [00:02:00] all a result of making your customers happy. So what I mean by that is co customers that are really focused on happy customers.

Are really missing the other half of the equation. What I think is the real opportunity, because it’s not just enough anymore to create happy customers. You have to make ’em successful. Successful customers are the ones who buy more are gonna be your brand ambassadors. They’re never gonna turn. If you can make them successful, you will have a customer for life.

Cuz it’s not something that just happens. Right. It’s it’s a journey. It’s a process. So that’s just a big. Area that I think a lot of people are misguided on. So is isn’t happy and successful. The same help me understand. No I’m a mom, as you mentioned, right? I’ve got two kids, Diego who’s 16 and Bella who’s 14 and I would argue parenting is very similar.

Right? And so [00:03:00] my job is to make. My kids successful. I want them to be contributing members of society, and that means making them uncomfortable sometimes. You know, they would be thrilled and happy to be on their phone. Twenty four seven. They’d be thrilled and happy to not have to take off their hat at the dinner table.

Right. That, that would make them happy. But my job is to make them successful. And so I always talk to them about living the gap. And what I mean by the gap is this area of discomfort, right? If, if, if all of you think of a time where you experienced personal or professional growth, like go ahead and think of a time in your life when you experienced a ton of growth.

And I’ll just stop you. If you’re thinking fondly about it, you haven’t picked a time in your life when you experienced real growth. Right? I want you to think of a time when you were really uncomfortable because growth is painful. It’s scary. But it’s necessary. So I always talk to my kids about living in this [00:04:00] gap.

And so what I mean by that gap is there’s one side where, you know, you’re comfortable, it’s familiar, you know what you’re doing? You’re at the height of your game. You are the expert in that area, right? That is that’s comfort. That’s happiness. And then you’ve got this other side where you’re scared to death.

You are constantly being asked to learn, think differently, do differently, do things that are unknown unfamiliar. And then there’s this gap that exists in between right. Between those two. And that’s what I call like the gap of discomfort. So I’m always telling my kids live there because that’s when you, when you stop stepping into that gap of discomfort, you’re gonna stop growing personally and professionally.

It’s the same with our customers. If we want. True happiness for them. It’s growth. And I don’t mean just revenue growth. I mean their personal growth they’re professional growth. So I’m a really big fan of [00:05:00] not just getting in the ditches with our customers. We gotta drag ’em out drag ’em out of that ditch of comfort.

And put ’em in a place where they’re learning. They’re being asked to do something different. How many times do we hear status quo? The biggest competitor all the time. Right? Cause it’s comfort. It’s not where they’re gonna learn. It’s not where they’re gonna do great things. Not where they’re comfortable.

So I, so with lasso is the example, right? Mm-hmm , mm-hmm you, you got the sale because. You presented your product to solve a need that they have, or, or be a solution that they’re looking for or help bridge a gap that they have. So now they’re in your product. right. Yeah. And, and you want them to stay in your product.

You want them to renew, you want them to do everything you’re saying being happy is not enough. How do you push people to be uncomfortable in your pro? Like, like theoretically, if you have good onboarding. Like good customer success, [00:06:00] your product solves their need and, and they’re, they’re cool. What do you do to go above and beyond to create this other gap that they don’t even know that they had?

It sounds like, right? Yeah. And I think that that’s a really great point. Another big miss is not getting to know your customers. And I don’t mean, you know, what’s their name? What’s their kids’ name? What kind of coffee do they like? I’m talking, know their business. And if the people you’re working with within your customers, if they’re not attached to that, organization’s mission and vision.

You’re never gonna be successful. You’re only. So then you’re gonna have a happy customer, not a successful one, right? Because your job is to make them successful in their role and their company successful overall. So you’ve gotta be curious. You have to ask the uncomfortable questions and I always love to ask questions.

I have nothing to do with lasso. It’s all about them, right? Like I always try to tell our team we’re we want something for our customers, not [00:07:00] from our customers. I think that’s why a lot of people are intimidated by sales. They think, oh, you gotta go in. You gotta get something from them. You gotta get the sale.

You gotta win. You gotta get their money. And if you approach it as I don’t want anything from them, I want something for them. But you have to figure out what that thing is. Right. You gotta understand their business. Where is it going? What’s gonna stand in the way of doing that. And then how does your product play a role in the bigger picture?

Because if you can’t connect the dot for them, they’re not gonna be able to connect it. Right. You’ve gotta lead them. So much of it is about leading people to a place of discomfort, leading them to a place where you can teach them something, educate them on something and make them better as a result of it.

So it’s really just kind of helping them connect those dots and it’s hard, right? Because it’s, it, it can sometimes be an uncomfortable conversation to say, well, why are you, why are you doing it that way? Tell me about that. What’s the way we’ve always done that. Okay. Well, help me make sense of that.

Right? Like asking those questions, the why and not so much [00:08:00] talking to them about the features and benefits and doesn’t, our software looked really pretty and oh, it made your life easier. Well, why is that important? I love that. And I’m thinking through like past anecdotes in, in my life and, and why I was so successful, it’s not just filling the need.

That’s the first thing for sure. basically that’s right. That, that that’s table stakes with doing somebody’s filling the need, but understanding their business goals, even outside of what you do. So like, giving ideas to. Optimize their business, which maybe your solution could help further, like outside the box, but maybe not just that.

Right. Hey Jared. I would take it a step further and say always outside of what they do. Sure. What is their business trying to do? Like don’t even talk about your product. Just understanding them. I mean, I always love, and my dad was the king of this. He was genuinely interested in every human being about them.

Mm-hmm he was so curious, always asked questions. [00:09:00] And let’s face it. We like it when people show a genuine interest, right. And, and us as human beings and, and our success. And so a lot of people are afraid that to ask so many questions, like people, people like that, they appreciate that. Right. They don’t wanna be talked to mm-hmm they wanna, they wanna engage in a conversation about something bigger than your product.

Always and, and, you know, even selling sponsorships for rev genius, typically there’s a demand gen or an awareness goal. Right? Mm-hmm so like before I even sell it, like what, what are you trying to do? Like, oh this, well, you need, you know, digital ads here. We’re not that, but I’m gonna introduce you to this person.

Who’s gonna open your mind there. Right. We need SEO, not really that. Not sure if you do need it, but let’s, let’s go with the fact that you need it. Like we could give you video footage after that, that you could optimize like that, but let’s understand why you need it. And the understanding isn’t necessarily to drive to our product per se.

Although that sometimes happens it’s to [00:10:00] Genuinely try to help them, like, like we’re at a time now where really need SEO, you need community and stuff and, and making them aware of that and being forward, thinking with a, you know, for awareness, right. With, with lasso and, and, you know, in, in that example, without going on too much of a tangent, we hear from Google now that they’re gonna penalize people that just have SEO articles.

Right. It’s like, don’t even, don’t even do it. That’s right. Like, like, like, and, and I know this. This is to benefit your business. You can do it. Yeah. But like let’s open up, let’s change to the paradigm. Yeah. Authenticity’s super important. And, and I think there’s, it’s a balance of serving the customer and solving for the customer.

Right. You you’ve gotta do both. And I think again, just sometimes it, it, it can be uncomfortable. I mean, when was the last time you got a term notice? I mean, I’ve received them that say. We love you. We love your team. We love your product dot, dot dot, but we’re not going to renew, right? Like, great. That’s a happy customer.

Yeah. But [00:11:00] something fell down in that. We, because if they were successful, they wouldn’t say you made a successful, you gave us a return. Our business is growing leaps and bounds now because of what you’re doing, those don’t term. But even though they lead with, we love you. We love your product. We love your team, but.

We failed that’s epic failure, right? Because we made ’em happy and not success, not successful. So I I’m full on in, on this, but, but from you in a leadership position, we have metrics like NPS. Yeah. You know, CSAT, like all, all of these metrics. How do you manage to that? Right. Like, like that’s kind of just like a feeling and, and you could judge it at the end if they renew or not, but like, yeah, this is the hard part, but it’s doable.

Okay. And it’s scalable when you can get your team up to speed on the art of doing it, right? Because success, success should look different for your customer. It’s not about like part of lasso we’re, we’re a workforce management [00:12:00] crewing platform. So great. Of, of course the byproduct is where we’re gonna help them crew their live events and shows and much faster.

That’s awesome. But that’s not what success should look like. So are we even asking, what does success look like to you? You could have eight people on the call, eight different users, eight different personas. I should have eight different answers, quite honestly, right. The CFO, his definition, or her definition of success might be very different than the person who is crewing the Oscars.

Right? Like it’s gonna look different and it should. And if it doesn’t, that’s when I would ask more questions and then it’s not enough to just understand what does it look like, but how are we gonna know if we got there? How are you gonna measure? Our success, right? Like what are you looking for to get out of this?

And I don’t think we pause enough sometimes when we start these engagements to understand, right. They come off the sales process and they want it right. They like it, it looks great. It’s shiny. Ooh. It’s gonna make my life easier. It’s not enough long term. Those are the ones that are gonna turn. Right.

[00:13:00] Because they have the, the high of it. Ooh, I’ve got this great new shiny tool. Yeah, it worked. I don’t know, is it, is it worth $10,000 a year? Maybe, maybe not. And we’ve gotta do a good job. And it, so again, my point in that is it’s different. Every customer is different. What success looks like, and it’s up to that CSM and to us as revenue leaders, to make sure we are meeting their expectations of what success looks like.

You know a question. I started asking, cuz I’m just going right in. Right. Like, and I, I subscribe to this I’m I’m just like, what are your key results? yeah. You’re like, literally go, I don’t even want to care, like about the nebulous. What’s gonna get you a promotion. Yeah. What’s gonna, what’s gonna drive your company.

The next thing, like what, what, what are your, and then every quarter, cause you know, they come up with a new one every quarter. probably that’s right for every half. Right? Like how has that evolved? Is that still there? Mm-hmm where are you tracking towards that? Can I be your partner in that journey? . Yeah.

And then to your point, make them [00:14:00] uncomfortable and say, Hey, have you considered this key result or this key result? Yeah. Understood. But like, or why aren’t you looking at this? Tell me more, you know, you should, it, it, yeah, you’re right. It’s, it’s about making them the hero of their story. And so many times companies make the mistake of trying to make themselves the hero.

And if we’re doing our job, we’re making our customers the hero of their story. Right. It is about them. It’s not our story. It’s their story. They’re the hero. I love that. And, and, and that’s so spot on. Let’s, let’s move on. And, and thank you for unpacking that for me, that was wonderful. So what KPIs are the most important to you today?

They don’t have to be in regards to this just in general, as a, as a leader, as a revenue leader. Yeah. I mean, it’s, it’s all the normal, I mean, I’ll give you all the normal ones, right? Everyone’s looking at expansion revenue. We look at how many days to onboard days to close churn CA all the normal ones you would, you would expect.

But to me, to your point, those are table stakes. What I’m trying to look at is identifying [00:15:00] patterns, trends. We have our ICP that we talk a lot about a lot. I wanna talk about what’s our PCP, what’s our perfect customer profile right there. There is ideal. But there is, you know, the idea of there is a perfect customer.

What do they look like? How do they act? What are their, where do they go? How do they act? How do they operate? And I don’t mean what’s their industry, their demographics, their company size, like that’s more about us. How can we sell them more based on their company size, I’m talking. Them their business. How are they set up operationally?

How are they structured? How do they make decisions? How do they do they move fast? Like all those sorts of things, because I’m looking for patterns to then go and replicate that. And then the outcome is, you know, the churn, the days to close. Right? All because when you’ve got that perfect fit, they’re gonna close quick.

They’re on, they’re gonna onboard quick. They’re not gonna churn your acquisition cost. Isn’t big because it’s a fast life cycle and they’re gonna be around. So it’s funny that you termed it like this, cuz I’m trying to [00:16:00] grasp it. And, and in my mind, and tell me if you think about it similarly, cuz it might be different.

The ICP versus the perfect customer profile, it’s more or less the same static stuff, but there’s a level of intent. They just did this. They’re about to do that. They interacted with my website a certain way or you know, and everything in between. Are you seeing that too? Yes. Yeah. And, and it’s even a little bit more.

Subjective. So like, I look for companies who want to get better when they know better, they do better. They don’t think about doing better when they know better. Oh, I learned this I’m moving. Right. They’re taking action. They are constantly trying to evolve and get better. So I’m looking more for that mindset rather than our ideal customer profile.

They’re in this industry, they’re roughly this size. They do this much in revenue. I’m looking for that mindset. So that’s what I mean by those patterns. I love it. And your challenge is now [00:17:00] what’s been keeping you up at night. well, let’s see, where do I start? You know, there’s a, there’s a number of things, but if I think about the biggest thing, like what drives me more?

Peop my dad used to ask me what drives me more the desire for success or the fear of failure, hands down, its fear of failure. And even though I’m driven by success, I, I just, I would not be okay with failing. And so to me, it’s failing the people around me, whether it’s our team, whether it’s the company my husband, my kids, my friendships, you know, all of those things that you try to balance in this world.

And. Just thinking about, you know, is, does my team, are they getting what they want? Are they stressed? Am I in jeopardy of losing anybody? Those are the things that I worry about and I always have this sense of urgency, right. To get to everything, get to everything. And it’s like, it’s really hard to have enough head space, to think intently enough about all of those areas with a sense of urgency.

And so [00:18:00] that’s, that’s one of the biggest things. And then I think the other with Really kind of two things. The other is when you’re growing a company very quickly it is really hard to transfer knowledge. And not have it watered down, right? So you have your core group. Great. You’re growing quickly.

Then that next group comes in. Great. Now you’ve, you’ve got time, right? Things are happening. You’re transferring the knowledge. And then all of a sudden things are picking up fast and now you’re growing fast. You’re adding headcount very quickly. And how does that message not get watered down to where people are internalizing, what we’re trying to do as a company who we’re trying to serve and are just as passionate about.

As you are. Right. So how do you transfer that? When you’re growing so quickly. So I worry about that. I know there’s so many companies who do that so well, and I, I want that , that is so normal and so difficult, like, and, and you have to be so conscious. Yeah. And so empathetic. Yeah. Cause it’s [00:19:00] normal to like blinders.

Yeah. Get to the next level. Yeah. But having consciousness of how it affects the people is, is, is really cool. So you’re not the only one with this challenge or these challenges, right? Like what, what’s some advice you would give to others going through this? I think talk, ask, talk to your team. How are you feeling?

If you sense something? Be. Like I always told my kids be sensitive to the needs of those around you, like pay attention to what’s happening around you. Be aware, right? If you’ve got somebody who all of a sudden goes quiet, you should pay attention to that. Pay attention to attention. Right. If something seems weird.

Address it head on, right? Cause you might be spending in your mind worried to death about it. And meanwhile, they’re happy as can be. They just are having a bad day or whatever. Right. So I think talking about it is really important. I think learning from others, people who have gone ahead of you and have already experienced that and they’re in a different stage of their company.

Never be afraid to learn and ask and be vulnerable and transparent. Yeah. You know, it’s, it’s a shock at how easy some of the [00:20:00] fixes are to get somebody from leaving and stuff. But at the same point, sometimes it’s okay for people to move on. absolutely. Yes. That’s like, like, like, like, and, and sometimes as founders, we shouldn’t beat ourselves up over it because could we have been better?

Yes. Yes. The answer’s yes. All capitals. If we were better, would it have changed the. I don’t know all the time. Yeah. Sometimes they’re destined to do that. Yeah. Well, there’s a saying there’s horses for courses, right. And courses for horses, right? Like it’s, it’s the right. And when you change the stage of your business, there are different people who are really gonna thrive and get your business to the next level.

Once it’s at the next level. They may not be the right person for that. All right. You might meet people who are not right for the phase now, but they’re gonna be right. Three years from now when you hit a different growth phase. So I think it’s really important getting the right people in the right place for the right phase of your business.

Yeah. And, and we haven’t even talked about if you hire above somebody in the politics and the dynamics that come from that somebody [00:21:00] early on. Yes. Yes. You may have been clear with. Yeah. So you thought so you thought, yes, they, you higher above. Maybe didn’t quite get the blessing you should have or were scared to because your subconscious it’s real knows.

So no, these, these are all important things and, but let’s, let’s what, what excites you for the future? Kind of going back to that growth, right? The com the discomfort, and, and I would say when it comes to rev op. It is changing. I feel like daily, I don’t know about you, but I feel like I I’m an avid reader.

I cannot get my hands on enough material and read, and it is changing so much so fast and it’s exciting to me. Right? Like what’s possible. I wish earlier on in my sales career, we had a fraction of the tools and data and insights that we have today. I think it’s so great. And I think it’s it’s really fun to think about what’s possible.

And what is it even gonna look like two years [00:22:00] from now? I think it’s gonna look completely different. There’s so many bright people who have so many different ideas and so much data to leverage. So it’s exciting to me. Any part in particular, you’d pick out that excites you. I’m a data junkie. So like, I know who I am and I know who I’m not, I am not a creative person, unless I’m solving a problem, then I can get pretty creative.

I am a data like analytical junkie. So I think the data I’m always asking our team, okay, how’s this channel? What’s it doing? What are we learning here again? Looking at patterns, right. Not just with how people buy, but how our customers act. And so, just the, the infinite amount of. Opportunities when it comes to leveraging data.

Yeah. There’s I mean, I, all morning I spoke about like everything from product led sales mm-hmm to, to this new cons data led sale, like, like, like going into there’s tools today that you could see if you’re PLG, like who’s using your product, but not [00:23:00] paying. Yes. Yeah. And I’m actually before this call of talking to web flow, they’re like our, our free plan is too good.

Like we, we ended up upgrading their. There’s value there. Yeah, totally. But they’re like, and, and they’re using tools like this now to see those opportunities. Yeah. So it’s super, super interesting with data and, and frankly, that’s the hack, anybody who’s listening, like, like how do you become the best growth marketer?

You set data up to measure everything. So you know, every little thing that you do and if it’s success, so it’s not being creative about experience experiments. Sure. Yes. It is, but you don’t need to be light years more creative than the next person. Yeah. You just need to be a little and have tremendous amounts of baselining and understanding if something.

It should dictate everything we do. I mean, there’s a, it’s a secret sauce. Yeah. Ways to get our hands on the data and it, it, it, all the answers are there versus let’s do an AB [00:24:00] test and let’s try like the data’s there. Like let’s just use it and we can move so much faster. So the data’s there, it’s just about the tools being able to harness it better, take it out.

It’s always been there if you wanna build it yourself, that that ability hasn’t been there for everybody. Right? Right. So you have the most dev centric teams or the most funded teams doing this, but now. Access. Yeah. To the ability to measure data is, is, is kind of fun, right? Well, and I’d even take it a step further.

I mean, to me, some of the biggest challenges, what is the data we need to pay attention to? Cuz otherwise you can have analysis paralysis, right? There’s so much at your fingertips, but when you really boil it down, what is the most important thing we need to be paying attention to for the next 60? And you should constantly be reevaluating what the north star is, what you’re looking at, because all of a sudden this other trend could pop up.

And if you’re not [00:25:00] keeping an eye on it, you’re gonna miss it. And so I think the big thing is understanding, you know, what data do we wanna track? What do we wanna get really good at? Yeah. The north star plus measuring everything that touches everything. Mm-hmm so that you could know what’s impacting that north star.

Yeah. That’s exactly. I, it, it excites me too, if you can’t tell yeah. I’m a data junkie. So, and, and I’m, I’m not, I, I, I’m not a data set junkie, like I’m not good at setting it up, but I do realize the importance of it and marketing ops revenue ops when done right. Is every, and, and ops when done.

Right. Is everything right? Yeah. Right. So this, this is the part I really love the first half we learned from you learned about KPIs that you’re, that, that, that you’re tracking with, but the unique ones, right? Like learned about why NPS score shouldn’t be the [00:26:00] main driver. Why, why that gap that you create for your customers is going to, to really drive not just impacting their business, but renewal in your relationship.

Mm-hmm . Now I wanna learn about. Okay, so the smart leader, mother, wife, author who, who are you? Well, I would say first and foremost, yes, my family is. Key and central to everything I do. Along with my faith, my faith is really important. It, it is my north star, it’s the filter in which I make all decisions.

But yeah, my family, I’m a wife been married 18 years. I have two kids. They are in high school. One is driving. God helped me and he’s leaving us in two years. God helped me. So we’re figuring out how we’re gonna be an empty nester in four years. So that really has gotten my attention of trying to soak every little bit of.

Time we have together. One of the other things that [00:27:00] keeps me up at night is mom guilt traveling and working hard and, you know, balancing all of that. So I think I’m just really Uber focused on that. But relationships are the most important thing to me, whether it’s my friendships, my family My working relationships.

It it’s what feeds my soul. Even though, even though I’m an introvert, so I get my energy drawn when I’m by myself. But I still love to be around people. It’s, it’s just a really important part that I seek out. I’m not somebody that likes drama, my husband and I always pick a theme every year.

And this year is as peace. We want peace for our family, no drama, and we can see it coming a mile away. And so we’re like, Not interested in that. So it’s been really, it’s really paid dividends this year. Really being focused on peace. I love you’ve been at lasso for over eight years, right? Yeah. Based in Georgia, like, like I’m trying to see like, is there a connection with relationships like.

It’s I hate that it’s rare that people stay in, in a technology company for as long as you have. What what’s has that kind of been [00:28:00] the, the family environment that you’ve created there and, and the clients and stuff? Yeah, I think it’s the relationships. We work in live events and entertainment. There is nothing like it before starting lasso.

I was a consumer of these events, right. I’d go to a concert, a football game. And I was just the consumer of it. Having no idea what happens behind the cur curtain. And so now understanding, I just have a level of respect for these talented people that produce these events. So the relationships are super key, and I feel like I have sat dead in the middle of that gap of discomfort for eight years, right.

Because you’re constantly grinding and learning and. Trying new things and it it’s it’s grueling, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. And if I didn’t have a team of people around me who I absolutely genuinely love and care for, there’s no way I could do that. Right. That that’s what, that’s what fuels it.

It’s what keeps you going, is having people around you, who you love and respect. How’d you go from being a certified [00:29:00] business performance advisor to. An event and I’m sure you attended events every weekend and stuff, but it doesn’t look like that on paper . Yeah. So, one of my clients was in the event production space and he said, Hey, Angela, I think we should start a company.

Our industry is really underserved. You’ve got the workforce management and technology background. I’ve got the event production, let’s go build something and do it together. And I was like, that sounds really fun. Really hard. So here we go. I’m gonna jump into a gap and yeah, it’s been really hard and the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done though.

So that’s how I, I, one of my clients, again, relationships, right. And, and getting to know his business, not as it pertained to what I was consulting on, but so that’s how it happened. Do you see yourself in the event space for your career? Yes. I love it. Passion about it. Yes. I see it. Absolutely.

Absolutely. And I love how this space is evolving. You know, it’s funny, you know, some, an, a funny anecdote [00:30:00] that, that comes to mind with managing event production workforces. My brother went to Coachella, a lot of people’s brothers, parents, whatever event he bought from Amazon construction worker outfits for $5.

Mm-hmm he realized on. That they were the exact uniform of the workers that worked Coachella. So he took advantage of this parked wherever he wanted. Yes. He realized quickly that there was a gap. Yeah. That Coachella had so many independent teams. They didn’t know who was, what they knew, kind of the spacing.

Yeah. It takes hundreds of companies to produce Coachella. That’s exactly right. Like no event has one company. There’s a, there’s a culmination of companies that come together to produce an event. So, yeah, it’s interesting. He figured out that he just figured out the hat, he got lucky, he got lucky and SU he realized it, there were a line coming in.

He’s like, let me test it here. One of them popped outta the car and goes. Follow me follow me, like pass [00:31:00] the line. Yeah. Check it worked. . Yeah, that’s awesome. So, I’m thinking like, you know, all the intricacies and, and, and he used to throw all the events at UCLA. Yeah. So he he’d book like SN he’d booked mayor Hawthorne, like really black and stuff, but that’s awesome.

So, you know, back to you, like what, what kinds of things do you do for fun? Are, are you an avid event attender no, I would not say that I do like concerts. Let’s see. I do Pilates picked that up this year. That’s been awesome. Very therapeutic. I absolutely love it. Used to be a runner and was like, you know what?

I am getting older. This is not good for me anymore. So moved over to Pate’s loved cooking, being outside. Travel is a huge passion of mine. I try to be very intentional with that. And really just try to be intentional with, with my whole life and, and carving out things. So also a southerner love my coffee time in the morning.

It’s what I go to bed thinking about and wake up thinking about is that even though I’m only a one cup of coffee person, it’s a very important cup of coffee. [00:32:00] So little things in life. Make me. I know how being a mother and a wife are two extremely important, you know, parts of who you are like what are, what are, what are like the top lessons you’re imparting on, on your kids right now?

Cause I know that there’s probably like, yeah. And, and I mean, you know, life, lesson stuff. Yeah. Not clean, clean your room stuff. Yeah. No, we, we talk a lot about relationships and friendships and you know, my daughter’s just now entering high school and. The friendships that she’s establishing, those will be lifelong and the friendships have the ability to make or break you and really kind of define you, right?

You, you are who you hang out with. And so I think that’s important, but also teaching them how to be a good friend. How to set up boundaries with relationships in their lives too, right? Like they need to have boundaries and what’s healthy and what’s not. And so also them being intentional with, with their time and what they wanna do in life.

So we, we spend a lot of time talking about their relationships in their life. And that’s [00:33:00] tremendous because they could connect that directly with the relationship that got you into this event. yeah, absolutely. And, and, and practicing what you preach. It’s always good to be the north star there.

This is, this has been so spectacular talking to you. How could people connect with you social or otherwise? Yeah, primarily on LinkedIn. And then my emails, Angela dot Aleia, as well, right? Yes, absolutely. How, how about your podcast? How could they find that? Yeah, yeah. It’s corralling the chaos it’s on Spotify.

So we typically produce shows weekly having a blast doing it. If, if, if you’re not familiar with what happens behind the curtain and you have any interest in how the entertainment live events world works, it is amazing what this industry pulls off and what they have been through in the last two years.

It is unbelievable. They were the first to shut down the last to come back and they are just thriving right now, thanks to [00:34:00] all the talented people in the industry. So we really kind of dig into all that goes into producing events and all the chaos. And they always come out on top, such a fascinating space.

And, and the two ways, you know, without going on too much of a tangent to go like the, the events and the recording. Of artists. Yeah. Two very different worlds. Yeah. Super chaotic. Absolutely. Yeah, it is. It’s amazing how much goes into these things and all the different moving parts. So thank you so much for your time, Angela.

Thank you for having me. This was a blast. Thanks so much for having me. Amazing. And, and thank you all for listening. If you learn something today or laugh tell someone about this podcast, definitely follow Angela and everything. She’s up to, she’s gonna have a book releasing soon, right? Or, or, or soon-ish yeah.

Skill trips to traveling moms for those moms out there who have to travel a lot for work and all the guilt trips that we put ourselves on I’m I’m so [00:35:00] hype to give that to my sister who. Now going through it quite a bit and, and she’ll be supported quite a bit with that. So this has been another exciting episode of revenue today.

See you next time. Thank you again. Thank you. Whoa. Another great episode of revenue today for show notes, links and mentions. Visit revenue today. Dot live for all my friends in RevGen community. Thank you. It’s been awesome to spend this time with you, please DM me any feedback and ideas. In our slack channel or on LinkedIn, if you’re not in, RevGen join [email protected] it’s free.

And it only takes like two seconds and you’ll be joining a group of 27,000 revenue professionals strong. We’ve got it all looking forward to seeing you there, catch you on the flip side.[00:36:00]


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